Sunday 17 July 2011

Studio Policy Letter

Weekly Lessons

Piano or Organ

A private lesson of 30 to 45 minutes or an hour which covers instruction in basic to advanced techniques of piano or organ playing (including knowledge of the instrument); review of current repertoire pieces, discussions of historical or contemporary connotations, creative presentation, and basic harmonic and melodic structure in relationship to those pieces.  The study of rhythmic skills, reading skills and aural development is undertaken on a continuing basis at all levels of study.


The study of musical notation, continuing with the building blocks of musical structure, is taught in conjunction with the piano lesson.  This includes music rudiments and preparation for Royal Conservatory theory examinations.


The goal is to provide and enjoy a musical experience in which each student can feel positive about his/her own development both technically and creatively.


All students use age, interest and ability appropriate books.  The course of study as outlined by the Royal Conservatory of music (whose graded books cover music from all periods and include many works by Canadian and contemporary composers) provide an excellent vehicle for the study of piano; however, consideration is given for individual ability and preference when choosing repertoire pieces.  Students are encouraged to use their own creative instincts as we explore the interpretation of this material.

Students/parents supply a number of books throughout the year, depending on the level of study.

Students should come to each lesson with a notebook, music books and a three ring binder.  Organ students should also bring shoes appropriate for pedal work.  A book bag is useful for keeping music books organized and in good condition.

Exams and Festival

I look forward to preparing students for Royal Conservatory exams and for participation in festivals.  This is an excellent opportunity to receive further evaluation and certification for the diligence that you apply to your music studies.


I encourage students who are taking exams or playing in festivals to participate in the Registered Music Teacher’s recitals that are held at opportune times throughout the year.  I hold a year-end recital for all my students, and an invitation is extended to families.

Lesson Term

The term consists of 36 lessons commencing in early September.  Exam students may have several extra lessons to continue to the date of their exam.

Infrequently I find it necessary to reschedule lesson times.  I endeavour to make up lesson missed due to illness.  If lessons are discontinued, I would like the consideration of one month’s notice or one month’s fees in lieu of notice.

Fee Schedule

Please email for more information

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